viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Task 5

Hello people, in this opportunity I going to talk about of my love for the music. 
First of all, my family is not a musical family. My parents are not musician. They do not play any musical instrument. I had not a musical influence in my infancy.
I only was played recorder flute in the school, but in 2009, my brother bought a bass guitar in a Bargain sale of musical instruments.

My brother was playing guitar, therefore buy a bass was a great idea.  Then I began to play bass in my house with my brother. When I played bass, I felt one connection with the music, and later, in 2010 I bought a keyboard. I wanted play keyboard because I think that is the musical instrument most perfect, besides, you can compose many styles. You can use the deep notes for the harmony and the high notes for the melody.
Today, in 2015 I bought a transversal flute, and I am trying play all the days for progress faster.  

I have two favorite bands, Death and Ñu, but these bands have styles very different. Death is death metal, is a traditional band, they play, bass, guitar, and Drums, but Ñu is a band very strange.

Ñu have not a specific style, I think that sounds like a folk heavy rock metal. Ñu use flutes, guitar, drums, bass, violin, and keyboard. They have 20 discs with very different styles. 

8 comentarios:

  1. I used to play the bass, but I sold out long time ago. Now I regret it. Keep playing transversal flute, you will be good!

  2. I think the bass is the most cool instrument, But i know play no instrument :c

  3. I had the opportunity to heard you playing the flute in a post to share on facebook. I think you are really good! I would like to hear you playing the bass, I'm sure you are really good too.

  4. Wooohooo! I also play bass, I think that's a calm instrument and I like it so much! the develonment of an artist is necessary for our history and society, so in my opinion, you must continue with your passion!

  5. I agree with you about how fantastic is to play some instrument. When I was in the school I had a band, their called Under Confess, it was very funny. Someday we played in a concert was great!.
    Have a good time !

  6. ooh! I think that the traversal flute is magnificent! I like it

  7. ooh! I think that the traversal flute is magnificent! I like it

  8. I love music! I think that has to be really beauty to play some instrument, and bass is the best.
