For the
university I have read many books and articles or other similar things, but I
do not read many books of other areas, or styles. For Example, I haven´t time for read novels, poetry, science fiction
and I only read books about sociology and academic articles. Some time ago I read a book a great book (in my
opinion) about religion and science. The book is called “Religion y Darwinismo”.
It is written for one Chilean, Juan Rivano. Is a philosophical book and the
central topic is the conflict between religious belief and scientific demonstration
in the actuality.
The book is
little, only has 100 pages, but in my opinion is a complicated, because, the
writer is a philosophe, and he uses references of many various worlds. The book is a mix between of philosophy,
sociology, psychology, history, religion, biology, and has “technical concepts”,
therefore is a complicated book. Many
times I search in internet words, theories or and thesis for understand the
book. I admit that learn many interesting things. Although the book was little,
with the university and other responsibilities, only I could read all the
chapters in one month. With the line of argument, I could read 10 pages for day. (Well, is probably that I was a bad reader or
have problems of concentration)
In all my life,
always I have been interested for this topic, the conflict between science and
religion. Today the conflict still exits, and is interesting for me.