viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

A book

For the university I have read many books and articles or other similar things, but I do not read many books of other areas, or styles. For Example, I haven´t  time for read novels, poetry, science fiction and I only read books about sociology and academic articles.  Some time ago I read a book a great book (in my opinion) about religion and science. The book is called “Religion y Darwinismo”. It is written for one Chilean, Juan Rivano. Is a philosophical book and the central topic is the conflict between religious belief and scientific demonstration in the actuality.  

The book is little, only has 100 pages, but in my opinion is a complicated, because, the writer is a philosophe, and he uses references of many various worlds.  The book is a mix between of philosophy, sociology, psychology, history, religion, biology, and has “technical concepts”, therefore is a complicated book.  Many times I search in internet words, theories or and thesis for understand the book. I admit that learn many interesting things. Although the book was little, with the university and other responsibilities, only I could read all the chapters in one month. With the line of argument, I could read 10 pages for day.  (Well, is probably that I was a bad reader or have problems of concentration)

In all my life, always I have been interested for this topic, the conflict between science and religion. Today the conflict still exits, and is interesting for me. 

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

A place in Santiago

The truth, I do not know what place I would like visit.  But I remember that long ago time that i do not go to the zoo.
Yes, the zoo. I know that many peoples think that the zoo is a place where the animales suffer, and I agree with these people, but, I like the animals. I love the qualities they have. The species, the differences and colors, for example, I like a lot reptiles.
The problema is that  I like animals likes a giraffes, crocodiles.  I mean that i like the bigs animals, and the only places where bigs animales is the zoo.

Well, just for this blog jajaj, I would like go to the metropolitan zoo.  I would go to the national zoo, because has animals that i like, besides I supuse that there are animals that long since seen.  I remember that i went to the zoo when i was a child. I think that I had 8 years old. Today i had 20 years old, and I suppose that in 12 years, the zoo changed. 
When i was a child I can not walk for all the place, and therefore I do no know all te zoo and I want know it. I want to the zoo because I never finished to meet. It is a dream of my Childhood. But sometimes I think it is not good have animals in cages. The animales are free!!

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

What makes me happy?

The things that make me happy are, for example, the music, the food, my friends, my pet and my family.

I am happy with these things, because, for example with my friends we have a good relation. With my friends never argue, or have any problems, the true is that always is entertaining share time playing videogames or talking.

My pet is my life. I have a dog, Chuck. Chuck is a dog very fabulous, is hairy and playful, but also is a dog very coward because escape of other dogs in the park.  My life with chuck is very entertaining and happy. I think that we are a great team.

The music also makes me happy. Now I have a band and play bass. When I play in the presentations I enjoy very much, it is very funny. Play with a band is a great experience in my life because I learned of other musicians. Now, we are composing songs and is very entertaining mix the different techniques and styles in a song.

My family makes me happy because we have a good relation. With my brother listening the same music, and have similar tastes. Sometimes he helps me in English and I Help to my brother in sociology.

I do not say that I “discover” this things, because are things that I like and makes me happy in my life. 

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

English Practice

I think that in the activists I have good things, but also have any problems.  In reading and vocabulary I got good results. Mainly I have problems in the Listening, because I do not understand the pronunciation of the words, therefore, for me is difficulty pay attention in the listening test.  Besides, I think that the dialogues are very fast and confuse me.